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Carpet Water Damage: The Most Common Causes

Carpet water damage comes from an array of causes. However, some are always more likely than others. If you see water damage to your carpets and want to identify the cause, there are a few common points to check first. 

Additionally, if you notice a damp smell, that points to a few other potential causes. Once you have an idea of the most common causes of carpet water damage in homes, you have a better chance to be proactive. Oftentimes, a bit of maintenance helps to prevent water damage down the line. 

Plumbing Problems

Often, water damage in carpet is the result of plumbing issues. Over time, older, leaky pipes have issues that worsen when you don’t address them. Luckily, a quick visual inspection on a regular basis helps you know whether your pipes need attention. 

Moreover, a burst pipe quickly goes from a problem with water pressure to a problem for the entire house. 


When gutters fill with debris, they start to overflow. If you don’t clear the clog, water continues to run down the exterior of your home. When you notice signs of water damage on the lower level of your house, it’s possible you have clogged gutters. 

One common sign is a watermark on the exterior walls. Additionally, if you have a basement, it might start to build up over time. It’s also a good idea to check for puddles and pooling close to the foundation outside. 

Flat Roof

If you have a flat roof, one of the main dangers is water pooling over time. While the design typically solves this issue, the roof might slowly flatten. Unfortunately, this can result in pooling and seepage through the ceiling. 

In turn, this can cause mold to develop in various rooms. 

Poor Insulation & Heat

When you have poor insulation in the walls or around the windows, it can cause your home to grow significantly colder in the fall and winter. As you turn up the heat to combat the cold, it’s possible for water condensation to develop in the walls. 

If water sits in these spots, it can develop mold. To avoid this issue, you have a couple of different options. 

  1. Invest in higher quality insulation.
  2. Heat your home earlier and keep it heated throughout the cold months.

When condensation builds and mold develops, it leads to the heightened potential for carpet water damage. 

Do I Need to Replace My Carpet After Carpet Water Damage?

Oftentimes, water damage is a catastrophe for homeowners. Even a small amount of flooding causes damage to the framework. Moreover, it leaves you with the potential of eventual mold growth. 

When a carpet stays wet for 72 hours or longer, it’s a good time to consider a thorough cleaning. Alternatively, you may need to repair or replace it. Typically, mold spreads pretty quickly within 72 hours. Moreover, it can be quite difficult to clean on your own. 

Tips to Repair Carpet After Water Damage

When your carpet sustains water damage, it’s easy to panic. However, there are ways to prevent mold growth and avoid potential health risks. 

  • Dry the carpet quickly: Your best defense against mold is to dry out the carpet. Fans, dehumidifiers, and shop vacs go a long way in removing moisture. 
  • Thorough cleaning: When it comes to carpet water damage, professional carpet cleaning is essential. With a thorough cleaning, you sanitize your space. 
  • Avoid walking on the carpet: As you dry and clean the carpet, it’s important to stay clear of it. Dyes from furniture can seep into carpets, and any irritation can cause issues with the adhesive in the carpet. 

Stay Safe & Call the Pros!

Oftentimes, it’s easy for carpet water damage to go from manageable to a nightmare. To prevent this, it’s a good idea to work with a professional carpet cleaning company. We work to ensure your home is taken care of. 

Whether you have a pipe burst or a leaky ceiling, we are ready to help you assess the damage to your carpet. We strive to leave behind sanitized, clean spaces to help you protect the health of your home. 

If you have any questions about our cleaning services, call Absolute Carpet & Tile today! We’re always here to help. 

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