With the right carpet cleaning tips, pet owners maintain a healthier home for everyone inside. For professional cleaning, call on the team at Absolute Carpet & Tile today!
The pets we keep at home are loving, sweet, and cute. While some prefer to cuddle, others have a more playful nature. No matter what type of pet you have, they are an amazing addition to a family.
However, many pets make it difficult to keep your carpets clean. With these carpet cleaning tips, pet owners have a much easier time handling the messes and odors their furry friends leave behind.
Pets vs Clean Carpets
There’s no secret about how messy pets can be. Typically, most messes are related to the body. From feces and urine to vomit and even blood, pets do their best but don’t always know what’s going on.
Additionally, many pets shed, which leaves dandruff and fur to settle into your carpet. Outside of that, our furry friends track in dirt, mud, allergens, and contaminants from outdoors. Often, it’s quite easy for all of these to bury themselves in your carpet fibers.
At Absolute Carpet & Tile, our goal is to give you the best of both worlds. When you follow our carpet cleaning tips, pet owners can maintain a cleaner, healthier home. It might just take a little extra effort.
Where Pet Problems Come From
One of the most common pet stains is from urine. Once the moisture evaporates, it leaves behind these alkaline salt crystals. If you don’t address them quickly, they embed deep in your carpet.
Then, the crystals react to the oxygen in the air. This is what causes that unpleasant odor. Oftentimes, this is difficult to remove, which means the smell can linger for years. Worse yet, urine can soak into the padding beneath the carpet, making it even harder to remove.
Your best bet is to clean it as quickly as possible. If you don’t catch it in time, work with a professional team for a deep cleaning. At Absolute Carpet & Tile, we offer a specialized topical enzyme pet treatment service that helps to eliminate those pesky salt crystals and odors.
When the problem runs too deep, we also offer pad replacement as part of our carpet repair service.
Pet Stains
Whether your pet brings something inside or leaves a mess on your carpet, you face the risk of a permanent stain. Again, the main carpet cleaning tip for pet owners is to clean it ASAP.
Because carpets and stains require different treatments, it takes some research to find what works for your specific situation. However, when you hire a professional service, you have a better chance of cleaner carpets without damage to the fibers.
Health Problems
When your pet has health problems, which might present as frequent messes, it’s important to take care of them. If you mix an unhealthy pet with an unclean carpet, it only creates a health concern for you and your home.
One of the best carpet cleaning tips for pet owners is to clean regularly and stay consistent. This helps you avoid a buildup of germs and bacteria.
Cleaner Pets Make for Cleaner Carpets
When you want to bring a pet into your home, your priority is to find a companion with a personality that matches your family. If you want to make your carpets a secondary priority, it’s a good idea to look for animal breeds that are easy to train and have shorter fur.
Some breeds are easier to train, which makes them easier to potty train. As carpet cleaning tips for pet owners go, a potty-trained animal is great for your carpet.
Shedding is another factor to consider. When cats and dogs have long hair, it traps more allergens and germs in their fur. This only causes them to shed more.
“Cleaner” breeds tend to shed less, which can make a major difference when it comes to cleaning your home.
When you already have an animal at home and want to maintain clean carpets, here are a few carpet cleaning tips pet owners can follow.
- Regular trips to the groomer for trims
- Consistent baths to clean their fur
- Brush their fur several times a week to reduce shedding
- Wipe their paws and claws when they come inside
Professional Carpet Cleaning
The best way to protect your carpet is to schedule regular cleanings with a professional service. At Absolute Carpet & Tile, we have an effective process to remove and treat stains. Our team’s goal is to help you maintain a healthy environment for yourself, your family, and your furry friend.