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How to Remove Blood Stains from Carpet

How to Remove Blood Stains from Carpet

When you know how to remove blood stains from carpet, you can save your floor! After all, accidents happen. That’s why we have this how-to guide. 

You cut your finger and think, “It can’t get any worse, right?” Then, you see a spot of red settling into your carpet fibers. Much like coffee or red wine, blood is tough to remove whether it’s wet or dry. 

That’s why it’s important to know how to get blood out of carpet. You may have some carpet cleaners at home to help, but not everyone does. While you can always call your favorite local cleaning company, you might not want to wait. 

So, the next time an accident happens at home, take a look at your cleaning methods and try out some of these tested methods. Even with dried blood, they can help to loosen the stain from the fibers of your carpet. 

How to Get Blood Out of Carpet: 3 Methods to Try

As with other stains, it’s best to tackle a blood stain quickly. However, if you wait or don’t notice it right away, there’s still hope. The only difference is that it takes a little more elbow grease. 

When you clean blood stains out of carpet, remember to start from the edge of the stain and work towards the middle. To prevent a cleaned area from soiling again, be sure to rinse off and blot the remaining stain-removing agent as you go. 

Method 1: Detergent

  1. If the stain is dry, go over it with a brush to break it up. 
  2. Mix a tablespoon of liquid dishwashing soap and two cups of cold water. 
  3. With a clean, white cloth, dab the stain with your solution. 
  4. Continue to blot the stain until it absorbs the liquid and the stain disappears. 
  5. Sponge the area with cold water and blot it dry. 

If you still see the stain, mix a tablespoon of ammonia with a half cup of warm water. Follow the same dabbing and blotting method. Then, sponge with cold water and blot the area dry. 

Method 2: Stain Removers

Not everyone has a stain remover on hand, but they can help to break up, if not completely remove a stain. Most will have their own specific directions, so be sure to follow them carefully. 

Typically, you mix powders with warm water, saturate the stain, let it sit for a few minutes, and blot it dry with a cloth. 

getting blood out of carpet

Method 3: Hydrogen Peroxide

If you don’t have any cleaners handy, you can also check your medicine cabinet. Hydrogen peroxide can be a great way to get blood out of carpet. 

  1. Test the hydrogen peroxide on a hidden area to ensure it doesn’t change the color of your carpet. Try a spot covered by furniture or deep in a corner. 
  2. If it looks good, dip a cotton swab into the hydrogen peroxide and coat the tip. 
  3. Apply it to the stain carefully. 
  4. Rinse the area with a wet cloth and let it air dry. 

Stubborn Stain? Call In the Pros

When you want to get blood out of carpet, or any other stain really, the sooner you act, the better. 

Now that you have an idea of how to remove blood stains from carpet, it’s important to understand that not every solution is fool-proof. If you find you have an overly stubborn stain, our technicians are happy to help. 

With regular maintenance and cleaning, your carpet should keep its appearance for years. A thorough, deep cleaning once per year can help you ensure you maximize your floor’s lifespan. Call Absolute Carpet & Tile to learn more about your options.

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